16 December 2011

Catching up with an old friend

How do you feel when you can tell your school day crush that he was your childhood crush? Haha. I did. I met up with my long lost schoolmate after like 30+ years recently.

He was my primary school classmate. To me, he was the best looking guy in class. During that time, I didn't know I had a crush on him until we left our school to move on to secondary. We went to different school, but as my secondary school was near his home, I frequent his home often just to see him. I even stayed on for dinner with his family at times. I didn't know I had a crush on him until much later and I am still not sure why I keep wanting to see him back then.

Fast forward, present day. He didn't change much. His signature hairstyle, boy-next-door look and smile are still what I remembered, except much older. He is straight by the way and married.

We had a great time catching up with each other and from our conversation, I found him to be very open and non-judgmental. Somewhere during our conversation, he told me that one of his friend from his uni intro his partner to him and I took the opportunity and came out to him.

I am not usually the type who would just come out to people, but I am glad I did as I just want to be honest with him, as he me. We talked quite a fair bit about our personal lives and stuff and incidents and people of yesteryear.

I am sure we will keep in touch and hopeful build upon our friendship as we had lost touch for so many years.

05 November 2011

My Taiwan Trip 2011

Met this young guy the next morning I arrived in Taipei. He msg me on Jack'd and we met and we fucked. Decided to give him my underwear since I thought his underwear were really ugly. After that we did not managed to meet and I thought that was it.

It wasn't until my trip was about to come to an end that I chatted with him again. So I decided to spent my last nite with him and fly off the next evening.

I met him at Xi Men Ding and he was still as cute as the first day I saw him. Instead of bringing me to his place, he lead me to a boutique hotel nearby. The small room had everything one need for a good time and even a small tub. We both took a bath in the small tub. Passion took over and we kissed and kissed and made passionate love. Even though I was having sex almost everyday, I was really turned on my the hot young bod before me and I was really into the session. After the hot passion, we lay in bed chatting and more kissing. That nite, we hug as we slept.

The next morning, I woke up with a raging hard on and more sex ensured. Then we head for breakfast. After breakfast we rested a bit and I gave him my Calvin Klein underwear as a gift to remember our times together. We checked out of the hotel and went for lunch before heading to his house nearby to leave my backpack.

We went to watch a critically acclaimed Taiwanese movie called "You are the apple of my eyes"(那些年, 我們一起追過的女孩). during the show, we hold hands and at times, we kissed. After the show, we went back to get my backpack. During those time, we stole kisses when we think no one was watching, hold hands, etc. I felt like a school boy again going out on a date.

Well, all good things have to come to an end and I had to bid farewell to my cute Taiwanese boy. As the bus drove off from the bus terminal, I felt a void developed in my heart. I can feel that he really liked me and I too had never felt mushy inside for a long time.

He text me saying he like me and I replied. "Thanks for liking me" (謝謝你喜歡我) (As in the movie we watched).

As I was fumbling through my backpack looking for my spare phone battery, I found a note from the boy saying he had enjoyed the day with him and he left me a gift; the blue shorts he wore during our time together. I did mentioned that I wanted to get a similar shorts but we never found the time to shop for one. I was touched. The short fits me too.

I've been to Taiwan many times and I can say, I usually treat such trip as a fuck and forget, but somehow, this boy makes it hard for me to forget. Shit, am I really getting old and mushy.

The plane landed in Sg but the memories still lingers on of the time I spent with this boy.

05 October 2011

1st Post of 2011

Hadn't had the mood to blog these days. Thanks to those whom had sent me greetings for my 49th Birthday, which had passed recently.

Ya, approaching the big 50 next year. Surprisingly, I felt much better and healthier. Must be the placenta and propolis supplements that I've been taking. Hmm, have never been that health conscious before, it's good to take care of oneself as one ages and it helps when one feels better.

Late 2010 and 2011 is a year of new experiences. Been trying lots of stuff which I had never had the nerve to try. But what the hack, I am not getting younger and there is no harm experiencing it. I can only say, there are no regrets and I am enjoying it to the max.

Relationship wise, nothing fruitful yet. maybe I wasn't even trying hard enough. Sex was always great. Been dabbing my hands in some SM stuff, interestingly, I was rather turn-on, maybe because it was new but the thought of dominating someone totally and owning them sounds exciting. (evil grin) Hehehe.

The last few week was crazy, been having sex non-stop just after my birthday right up till yesterday. About one and a half week of non-stop fun. Whoa, I've never been so sexed up before. Hahaha. Luckily, it ended on a high note. The last bottom I had gave me such a nice blowjob and I fucked him up so good the he soiled my bedding. Well, shit happens but I am not angry with him. It was a really good session.

Well, life's been good and I am working my butt out in losing weight and getting bigger chest and back.

Here's toward the Big 50.