31 October 2008

Dying Alone

Another news of a lady whose decomposed body was found weeks after she went missing. It is quiet sad that cases like these happens once in awhile. It was reported that she kept to herself and lived alone and had few friends and work independently.

I remembered an incident I once had few years back while I was home alone. While in the toilet doing my no. 1, I suddenly felt nauseating and that I am going to black-out. I quickly cleaned up and rush back to my room to lie on my bed before I pass out. Before I hit my bed, a thought rushed to me to leave the door open, just in case if I were to be unconscious, my tenant/partner can see that I am at home.

After I recovered from my near black-out, I called my then ex-partner and we both went to the emergency unit of the nearby hospital. I was later diagnosed with kidney/gall stones which was the caused to the cold sweat and fainting spell.

It was excruciating to suffer from stones but I eventually recovered. The incident did made me realised that it is good to have someone around, be it a partner or tenant or friend. And in case of emergencies or something serious, one should consider a backup plan where someone can be the custodian to manage your assets, etc. should the need arises.

27 October 2008

Chatroom Saga

The saga of a complained made by a member about a certain Chatroom admin has come to an end. Anonymous supporters of Chinese sausage and 2 members slugging it out in a no holds bar exchanged of words caused quiet a stir in BW and it took 5 pages before our oral specialist closed the thread.

As the Chinese sausage incident came to a close, a bias idiot who is now in Germany, armed with hearsay and a half fucked side of the story decided to start another indignation case where a JB cam voyeur who was kicked by me couple of months ago on IRC. Sadly he is neither the person involved nor does he know the whole story. Do I feel guilty about kicking him, hell no. If I see him on IRC, would I kick him again? Hell yes. Just asked him what he did on #gam and #sgboy.

Oh, I have no doubt that I too, am guilty of kicking ppl out of the chatroom. Will I lose sleep over what I did? No. Was I sore about not being an op? Maybe. But I was more sore that I was not regarded as a friend more than anything else. After that incident, I ex-communicated myself. Anyway, life goes on.

Having dinner tonite with 2 BW members, I came to realise that there was a gathering in Pasir Ris through one of the member. Since he was having dinner with me, he was not able to attend the dinner in Pasir Ris. The BW member told me that; "After what happened, do you think you will still be invited?". Yah hor. Anyway, since it has come to this state, just accept it and move on and dun look back.

Hahaha..It was fun while it lasted.

23 October 2008


Someone complained on BW 2 days ago, that he was kicked out and banned by the Op by making a remark that the chatter was a 'weirdo'. The op who is a close friend of the member in the chatroom took it upon himself to kick and ban the new guy who made a casual remark in the main chatroom. This complain eventually escalated to an all out exchange of words.

I posted my SOP and told that guy to take it easy as the chatroom is not the property of BW. As the exchange of words continue. The 'owner of the chatroom' tries to divert attention by bringing up an earlier incident about a 'notorious person who was kicking ppl too. It was so bluddy lame.

Personally, I think the 'owner of the chatroom' took sides and was bias. As much as he tries to justify his actions, it only made it worst by not admitting his mistake.

When Lungker move the topic to Flamming Room and Closed the discussion. I felt that since it is already in the flamming room, so let there be flames.

It was later that that 'owner of the chatroom' wrote about "obviously you are still angry' that got me going. Bluddy hell, was trying to put things aside and then kenna 'suan'. Well, for once, he deserved what he is getting.

Suddenly, a member broke his silence and wrote about being affected by such behaviour in that chatroom. I wonder who he was referring to when he wrote; "Some claim enlightenment in their blogs, but yet their behaviour is anything but." Hehe...I think I know who.

Anyway, I have to admit that I was guilty in the teasing, name calling, etc. part in chatroom but I only do that to ppl I know and it was done as a joke. Personally, talking normally is soooo boring. "Why so Serious?" (Joker to Batman).

So I know where that 'chatter' is coming at when he jest that "we had sex, etc." But apparently, the newbie don't get the joke which started the whole 'incident'.

When I went into the Chatroom later as a guest, 'the owner of the chatroom' somehow realised and left, but not before mentioning 'the moderator maybe spying'. Oh please, spying? Spy what? What is there to spy?

The other person in the 'storm' was actually badly affected by the incident. He keeps apologising to those he thinks he might have offended. It seems, he couldn't get over the fact that he had indirectly caused an 'incident'. No amount of words could pacify him.

Someone mentioned that 'This Topic is the most interesting one in months since "quitting bw"' and I couldn't agree with it more. I am so gonna sit back and watch the firework with my packet of popcorns.

03 October 2008

Getting Organised

I have always been a rather organised person, but as the years gone by, I have been slacking and have not been really organising my stuff at home. After incessant nagging by V, I decided to get a cupboard.

I have been to Ikea for like 3 times, but I have yet to settle on the kind of cupboard I wanted. Finally on my 4th visit, with the help of E, I managed to order the Besta dark brown cupboard with frosted glass panel. That actually set me back about 600+ with the addition of some paper boxes.

Well, after 2 days' wait, the cupboard arrived today. It was quickly assembled by the Ikea delivery cum assembly men. After they left, I spent the next few back breaking, sweat dripping hours tidying all my books, computer components, beddings, etc. With the help from V, things managed to get packed and organised rather smoothly. I shifted through my stuff and threw out many thing which I dun need or were old, etc.

After the major cleanup, I reclaimed much of my hall from all the previous clutter. I am so happy as my place looks much neater now.

Songs that touches me

When I saw MM's post, memories came flooding back to my mind of an incident which happened in KL.

Met this guy during my trip to KL with BW members; who was a friend of my KL friend. As my KL friend was not free, he has as his friend to chauffer me around. As we were outside Club 39, he was showing off his car's high end sound system by playing a couple of songs. It was there where I first heard; Love Me by Collin Raye. I was moved by the lyrics and asked him who sang the song. He told me that he will make a copy and pass to me the next time we meet.

Next day, we met for dinner with my friend and he handed me 2 CDs with songs he compiled for me. It was really nice of him to do that.

I never get tired of listening to the song and it brought me to tears just listening to it because the song reminds me of my granny whom I loved dearly.

"if you get there before I do... ...... ...but between now and then, till I see you again, I'll be loving you, Love Me."

Another song which never fails to brings tears to me is 蕭煌奇-阿嬤的話

阿嬤你這嘛置叨位,......希望後世人,邧攔會凍來乎你疼,作你永遠的孫子, 擱叫你一聲阿嬤!

Surprisingly, after all these years, songs like these triggers me very easily. Hates it when I am not able to be in control.

Guess I still miss you Grandma.