03 October 2008

Getting Organised

I have always been a rather organised person, but as the years gone by, I have been slacking and have not been really organising my stuff at home. After incessant nagging by V, I decided to get a cupboard.

I have been to Ikea for like 3 times, but I have yet to settle on the kind of cupboard I wanted. Finally on my 4th visit, with the help of E, I managed to order the Besta dark brown cupboard with frosted glass panel. That actually set me back about 600+ with the addition of some paper boxes.

Well, after 2 days' wait, the cupboard arrived today. It was quickly assembled by the Ikea delivery cum assembly men. After they left, I spent the next few back breaking, sweat dripping hours tidying all my books, computer components, beddings, etc. With the help from V, things managed to get packed and organised rather smoothly. I shifted through my stuff and threw out many thing which I dun need or were old, etc.

After the major cleanup, I reclaimed much of my hall from all the previous clutter. I am so happy as my place looks much neater now.

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